Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Little Moon

Some days I wish there were a thousand of you. That's how many I think I could love. Maybe a thousand and one. 

You are growing so fast. Even though you've just hit fifteen pounds you're a teeny tiny force. In the last month you have grown three new teeth, learned how to crawl and have decided that you can stand on your own (with mixed results). You are starting to notice nuances in the world around you and can detect pretty quickly if something is new or different or out of place. Today you decided to explore all the baby-sized spaces in the living room and successfully backed yourself out after having a look around and determining that there was no lint to eat. You are brave, adventurous, tough and as curious as ever.

You're also learning how to cuddle. How to lay your head down on our shoulders when your feeling tired or affectionate or just want to see how quickly you can make our hearts melt. 

And how to be silly. You are so silly! You will sit and wait for us to look and then giggle and squeal and bury your head in the blankets or our shoulders.

You are eight and a half months old already and growing and changing everyday. This means that there is so much to etch in our memories before its gone - like the little wispy curls that dry into your after a bath but are gone by morning and the way it feels to hold you so close in the few minutes before I lay you down for the night.

Busy etching,
Your Mom 

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