Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do I Hear $100? $200?

Dear Frankie,

One week today. The first time I thought to myself "hmm - nine months" I may really have thought "hmm - nine years." It felt like we would never get to meet you. But slowly our waiting dissipated with each new preparation we made. In the movie about our lives this would be where a really nice song plays and the camera cuts between the pages of a calendar floating away and us painting your nursery and assembling your crib. We can talk more about who will play you once you're here.

For a while I was getting pretty nervous about your arrival but thankfully in the last fews days that seems to have passed. Your dad and I made a little text book about labour and birth and have been quizzing each other over the weekend. Nicely typed notes and lists always make me feel better. And I think I've accepted that while it may get bleak at times it will end - six hours or seven hours or twelve or sixteen or twenty-three - and then you will be here and the rest will be the makings of memories. This makes me feel a lot more peaceful in my imaginings.

I should probably tell you too that even though we've been mentioning a few times a day how excited we are to meet you (and sometimes trying to bribe you to come out with promises of money and cars) - don't rush and be careful. We'll be here giddy with love and excitement no matter how long it takes.

Your fur brothers say hi and want you to know that they're all set now as well. They've finally started to sleep through the night and that's going to make those first few weeks easier on all of us. They've also been keeping your crib and bassinet warm and alerting us to potential baby dangers around the house (like plants and garbages poised for eating and within the reach of little paws and hands).

So my little thirty-nine weeks just one week longer until we get to drink you in. And admire your bright eyes and gush over your tiny nose and pudgy baby fingers. Seven more days until we get to squeeze you to us and discover the ins and outs of the spirited little personality you've been building for the last nine months.

Your Mom

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