Friday, April 30, 2010

I'll Give You That Number

Today I tried to find out where in town checks that car seats are installed properly. I thought that this was a standard sort of service since they won't let you leave the hospital unless you have one ready to go. Here's how it went: called the Cape Breton District Health Authority and they referred me to the Mom-Baby Clinic. Called the Mom-Baby Clinic and they referred me to the Municipality. Called the Municipality and they referred me to the central fire station. Called the central fire station and they referred me to the Deputy Fire Chief. Called the Deputy Fire Chief and his answering machine hung up on me. Hmm.


  1. I could not help giggle at this as I had a similar goose chase. Eventually I found out if I actually went down to the fire station someone would check it for me. However I didn't even make it that far because my hubby (the mechanic) was highly offended that I hadn't even asked him. Apparently you can also take your car to any dealership and have it installed properly. (It's not free however, unless you are married to the Shop Foreman) I knew he was good for something!

  2. I finally got in touch with the Deputy Fire Chief and he suggested that I try Walmart. Which I guess I could if I could first convince myself that Walmart and safety lived on the same planet.

    The dealership it is!


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