Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Merry Christmas

Our Christmas weekend was lovely. Equal parts slow-quiet and rush-commotion. Frances took her time opening her gifts. Unwrap, examine, play, wander away, come back, play more. Although she learned quickly what to do when she was handed a wrapped present, it didn't occur to her that all of the still-wrapped presents under the tree might be for her and might contain toys. There are still two left to be unwrapped but why hurry. Next Christmas morning is bound to be all haste and scuttle.

And then the less slow-quiet: a beautiful Christmas eve gathering and a delicious Christmas dinner the next day. It's times like these that make me really appreciate the bumble's easy going disposition. Our days usually follow the same pattern: up, breakfast, play, snack, nap, lunch, play, snack, elmo, supper, snack, bed. I like it. She likes it. Then Christmas and everything changes: lots of people, late late bedtimes, extra car rides, different foods, different homes, and of course the excitement of it all. She handles it so well you'd think our weeks were regularly made up of egg nog, pianos and glittery indoor trees.  




Also, wintery holiday lights walk year two versus ...

Wintery holiday lights walk year one.
Someone has been growing but evidently not enough to warrant a bigger hat.


  1. It's like find Waldo (aka Erika) in this years Christmas photo!

  2. Do you mean France's hat or robs hat....
    Loved the Skype on Xmas morning

  3. @Nike - I know! Black on black in a mirror and a camera with no auto focus. Yikes. Happy New Year!

    @Mummer - Frances hat - I didn't realize she was still wearing the same one from last year until I looked at last year's picture. A wee head she still has! Happy New Year!


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