Thursday, May 26, 2011

Frances Moon: A Retrospective

Where did this week go? Even though I'm not leaving the house for work short weeks still feel short. Very short. Not that there's anything wrong with popping your head up to realize that tomorrow's Friday again. Some days I feel the same way about this last year. That I turned around just for a second and it was gone and our soft sleepy cooing newborn was suddenly a running, babbling (and running) one year old. 

Despite the speed of this last year, the burst of changes it has inspired in all of us, and the fact that the bean's proper first birthday looms on the other side of the weekend, I am feeling less sentimental than I thought I might. 

Everyday since she made this pod of two a pod of three has been better than the last. Everyday she has noticed more about her world, grown closer to the many people who love her, learned and learned and learned, and offered us new glimpses into her silly, curious and loving little self. 

Once in a while though, I look back through her newborn photos late at night or another baby nearby arrives all soft and sleepy, and I ache just a little bit for those first few days and weeks that are forever passed.

Twelve whole months of Miss Frances Moon: 

Soft and sleepy 

One month 

Two months 

Three months 

Four months 

Five months 

Six months 

Seven months 

Eight months 

Nine months 

Ten months 

Eleven months 

Love. Love.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Frankie! And happy one year to you both. What an amazing ride you guys are on. xo


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