Monday, August 2, 2010

Run Lola Run

One of the biggest differences between new born Frances and now Frances is her predictability. When she was wee wee anything was possible especially when it came to her appetite. On any given day she would eat for forty-five minutes and be famished again ten minutes later. This made it kind of difficult for me to get out of the house alone at all ever.

As she's grown she's settled into some pretty steady eating patterns. Now she'll last anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours between feedings. And so tonight for the first time in almost a year I laced up my runners and hit the pavement. It was wonderful beyond words. The batteries on my Ipod died before I hit the end of the first block and I was way underdressed for the misty nighttime weather but it was perfect. I might not be ready for a marathon just yet but I am looking forward many more of these late summer and early fall evening excursions.

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