Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy One Week Birthday Frances Moon

Dear Frankie

You are here! In fact you are one week old today. Your Da and I have spent much of these last seven days in a state of quiet amazement - that you have indeed arrived and that you are so utterly perfect. On this note sorry for all of the staring.

We have learned so much about you in this short time: you smile a great big smile right before you fall asleep and you like to eat. A lot. Sometimes for the better part of two or three hours. This comes as good news since in your first few days of life you didn't like to eat at all. While the doctor's and nurses at the hospital assured us that this (and your sleepiness) was completely normal we were, to say the least, worried. Now that you've caught on kid there is no stopping you.

You have soft brown hair and big grey eyes and the longest fingers and toes I have ever seen. We think this means you are going to be tall like your Da. You get the hiccups at least twice every day - just like when you were in my belly. You like (or you tolerate) your baths without fussing and you have a funny little inhale snort when you are crying. Despite how much you like to curl up in a tiny baby ball you have quite a powerful kick when your little feet get going.

While we are looking forward to all that lies ahead - your first trip to the beach, first Christmas, first steps - we are trying to breathe in every moment of you knowing that you have already begun to change and grow before our eyes.

So Much Love,
Your Mom

1 comment:

  1. I think little frankie is going to love reading this blog when she is older!


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