Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little Frankie Moon

So this is my third or maybe fourth blog. I'll keep this one up ... I swear.

This blog is for me and Frankie Moon and a others who stumble across it - possibly before or possibly after Frankie arrives. I'm not settled on Frankie Moon but it works for boys and for girls and is better than "it". And we've run out of cute and vivid vegetable comparisons (like olive and lime and eggplant) in the online pregnancy calendars. When I checked for the 22-week update it was "your baby now measures the size of a cereal box". Hmm.

We've talked about a long list of names and forgot half of them. I do think R likes Frankie Moon - he keeps trying to pitch it as having relevance to both our families: his great-uncle was named Frankie and my Dad's middle names is Francis. I think it's a bit of a stretch and that he likes its rock star qualities.

Deciding not to find how Frankie will pee has made choosing names a bit more tricky - or made committing to one harder anyways. Its like there's always an unknown and we have to have at least two names picked so why not have ten picked and just decide later when we really have to. I hate committing to things.

R and I live on a beautiful island. It's not tropical but it is vast and breathtaking and steeped in so many interesting histories. I think its the perfect place 95% of the time. I miss my other places when I see pictures of people in dresses with tans - both of which are rare here.

I think after Frankie's born we'll explore this place together - see a new place each week. I didn't grow up here but R did and I still feel (after being here for a bit more than a year) that I have so much to see. I was lucky (in most respects) to have found work soon after arriving and then we bought a house and then there was the news about Frankie and then and then. I've seen some things and seen the most majestic twice - especially when friends and family are here from distant parts. But I'd like to see it all. And show it all to Frankie who I know, after seeing it, will never ever wonder why we moved here.

Back to work of which there is very much today.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I am so excited for you! You will make a very patient and gentle mother! I'm envious, because I am not gentle nor patient. I do have other good qualities though and motherhood is a roar. I'm loving every minute of it, as I am sure you will too.


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