I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about my birthday. It’s still two and a half months away but it keeps popping into my head! Maybe because I can’t wait for the warm weather that has to be here by then. Maybe because I really want a new blender. Or maybe because of this snappy idea: a birthday bucket list: thirty one things to do (to try to do) in my thirty first year.
But thirty-one is a lot, huh? Especially with a little and a return to work on the horizon. Imagine if I was only turning sixteen. That’d be nice. Since I’m not and since I’m pretty excited about the shape of this list I’m going to cheat and start now. Shhh.
In no particular order – thirty one reasons this next year-ish is going to be the best yet.
1. Switch from morning coffee to morning green tea.

2. Read six books: this doesn’t sound like a lot but lately I can’t find the time to read even one. Six books in one year will be huge.
3. Grow and freeze enough herbs to last until next spring.
4. Pay off my credit card balance.
6. Go to yoga regularly – like more regularly than now which is twice a year.
7. Complete three knitting projects: baby winter hat, baby winter scarf and mamma winter leg warmers.
8. Make one new vegetarian meal every week – that’s fifty-two no-meat no-repeat meals.
9. A little more music a little less CBC (for Rob who leaves public radio lovers anonymous pamphlets lying around the house).
10. Get our grocery budget under control: actually stick to said budget rather than buying whatever I want and thinking it will come close which it never ever does.
13. Not feel an impending panic when more than two things are out of place or in need of doing at home. Take ten deep breaths instead.
15. No more than one online purchase per month. Oh so hard.
16. Plan a holiday season soiree.
17. Publish The Turnip every two months.
18. Visit The Dancing Goat Bakery/Café at least twice – once because the food is delicious and once because the drive is beautiful.
19. Read the paper instead of the facebook.
21. Learn to cook/bake with agave nectar.
22. Be on time seventy-five percent of the time amounting to a seventy-five improvement. This is tied with only one online purchase per month as taking the most effort. It is also tied with only one online purchase per month for making Rob the most happy.
23. Keep this blog going in photos and words.
24. Finish the living room redesign – we’ve still got two big freshly painted and freshly blank walls.
25. Switch to cleaner greener cleaning products we can make ourselves and that make the earth happy.
26. Switch to cleaner greener cosmetics that make me and the earth happy.
28. Try Tai Chi.
29. Get sleep. Get a decent amount of sleep. Get a reasonable and regular bedtime and ignore the pazillion other things to do.
31. Get the compost in the backyard cleaned and functioning.
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