The little miss with her nana and granddad at the Port Morien fair. In Ontario fair season was my favourite. Animals and veggies and so much food-on-a-stick (mmm). Today we stopped by the Port Morien fair and meandered through the knit goods and prize zucchinis and always beautiful quilts. We also made a quick mental list of who to invite to tea based on the results of the date square and apple pie baking contests.
(Photo by Nana)
The fair was Frank's second trip to the coast this week. On Thursday R and I escaped for dinner while she spent a few hours with her grandparents.
It was so lovely. We didn't have to spend the evening with an eye on a sleepy babe wondering when she'll wake or arms under a wakeful babe wondering when she will have had enough. We didn't have to eat at dangerous speeds or take turns enjoying what we had ordered. Frances has taught us many things including how to appreciate these moments of quiet and rest.

During her visit her nana uncovered this treasure - a tiny yellow track suit that R wore when he was wee. It is absolutely seventies, absolutely perfect and absolutely gets you humming the Rocky theme song.

Today she embarked on what is very possibly my favourite baby stage - the "I can put my own foot in my mouth" stage. I don't know why I find it so cute. Maybe because it's a talent and a desire restricted to the tiniest of humans (and the cast of Cirque de Soleil).
We're in an endless debate here about whether she's teething: "maybe she's teething" "she could be teething" "do you think she's teething" "she must be teething." Repeat. Everything goes into her mouth including all of her fingers (and toes) and ours (just the fingers not the toes). And she gnaws on them. And she is a factory of drool. And three and a half months isn't all that early to be getting teeth. And I would really love an explanation for her sleep woes that involves a definitive end to those woes.
Finally, this was Friday night's project - a new seat cover for the scooter. It began as a sewing project, ended up as a reupholstery job, and resulted in the poshest scooter on the island.
That is one cool scooter for Rocky to drive around on! Love it!