Today was Open Farm Day. We visited Twin Lighthouse Farms and and Hank's Family Farm and introduced Frances to horses and donkeys and pigs and chickens and ducks. And to miniature horses, whose utility we debated, and to a zebra. A zebra! Who knew there was a zebra on the island? She seemed quite taken by the animals, watching them come and go, likely wondering where all these big and different shaped fur brothers came from and if they'd be coming home with us. Or wondering why these animals weren't as brightly-hued as the stuffed red and blue elephants and purple monkey she has at home. Or wondering when she was going to get fed next.

It was another warm and sunny Sunday on the island made even better by how wonderfully she took to the car. Yes, wonderfully. Just a little fussing, no wailing and lots of sleeping. We're almost ready to declare her dislike of cars to be a nighttime phenomenon. Our last few daytime trips have been on the up and up. If this does turn out to be the case we'll officially be in the market for a baby miners helmet. Message if you have one.
Her early bedtimes and our more determined efforts to get her to nap also seem to be going well. She's still up every two-ish hours but the name of this game is small victories. She's generally sleeping three times throughout the day now (still in our arms but sleeping nonetheless) and tonight she was in bed by nine. The house was so quiet. I did the dishes and some laundry and tidied the linen closet and couldn't have been happier. I know - sleep when she sleeps, but sleep has nothing on restocking the Qtips and sorting the Canadian Tire money when it comes to a hard earned sense of satisfaction. What? Small victories.
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