Last night I locked myself in the bedroom by accident. In an effort to keep our tiny furry ones from my cereal and strawberries and milk I pulled the door closed behind me. For the first time ever it closed all the way. I thought "well isn't that great" (since it always stuck before) until I realized there was now no way to get out. I pushed and banged and eventually found the screwdriver in the sewing kit and took off all the metal parts I had access to. Still stuck.
I love old homes (and all their quirks) so much that I've stopped noticing things like missing door knobs. Our bedroom door has no door knob only a hole where once a door knob sat. There's probably a hand full of other doors in the house just like this that I've also never noticed since I've never been locked on one side of them.
R had fallen asleep downstairs watching a documentary about swords (yes swords) and I was pretty sure there was no way to wake him. I tried to call him on Skype (having my laptop) and him being near his computer - no good. I tried stomping a tiny bit but with the floors being so lovely and so new it was hard to make myself make any real ruckus. So I sent him an e-mail hoping he'd see it and rescue me before leaving for work:
SUBJECT: Dude - I am locked in the bedroom ...
BODY: No laughing! I shut the door last night when I went to bed and now it won't open. I tried taking off the metal piece from the inside but nope. I tried pushing really hard and that didn't work either.
Can you get me out before you go to work? Seriously, we need door knobs.
And then I went to bed - hoping and praying that just for tonight the 1am and 3:45am pees would bother someone else. Nope. When I woke up at 1am with a little urge I managed to fall back asleep but only until 2:40am.
New Plan: call my cell phone from the house phone 17 times until R wakes up and thinks "who the eff is calling at this time" and then hoooppefully checks the number and is intrigued by the fact that I am technically calling me. It worked. I tried not to laugh as I explained the situation over our phones. Three minutes later I was out and after a quick hug of immense gratitude and relief I was down the stairs on my way to further relief.
I think door knobs would qualify for the home renovation tax credit, no?
Seriously? You are hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG! I love you! and i love this post. You have me in stitches. I can't wait to read the rest!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, that story is so cute! I'm glad you made it out alive!