I went for a walk today since it is January 27th and 6 degrees outside and this is not only wild but worth celebrating with some extended outsideness. That (six degrees in near-February) is the good news. The bad - my legs hurt by the time I got to the bottom of the hill (yes bottom not top). Eek! Apparently exertion and I have been on a break.

My Summers Sanders Prenatal Workout DVD arrived a few days ago in the mail. I read quite a lot about it online and 26 of its 27 amazon reviews were bustling with affection. Tomorrow morning for sure. I am still tired most evenings so I know there is no point in my planning to voluntarily jump around at 7 o'clock at night. And for the first time in my life (a begrudging 10am riser by nature) I have wisps of energy in the mornings. I had planned this week to start going to the gym in the mornings but (no surprise) that didn't pan out so well. I couldn't sleep Sunday night or Monday night and after getting some much needed coma-like sleep last night I didn't even recognize the sound of my alarm clock when it off. I am still convinced that I can handle exercise in the morning (abnormal sleep patterns notwithstanding). I am less convinced that I can handle a whole bunch of people (gym people) before a shower, coffee, two glasses of apple juice, granola, and some contemplation. DVD = exercise - other exercisers = wicked.
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