We are still here. Eep. Somewhere. The week before Christmas. I can hardly believe it. Our Christmas cards arrived in the mail yesterday. My first thought was Oh good. They're here and it's only Sunday. I'll put these in the mail tomorrow and they'll definitely get where they're going by Christmas. I know, eh? I woke up and realized that the mail doesn't come on Sunday, that it was Tuesday and that I should probably write um, happy new year? in all of them. Oh well. They were signed, stamped and in the mail this morning - a miracle on par with those other miracles celebrated at this time of year.
With several comings and goings this year we're getting rather excited around here for more than one Christmas fete. Last Sunday, Christmas eve, Christmas day and then again a few days later. There is so much holiday preparation and anticipation, that this is exactly how it should be. Christmas again and again ad again.
I hope that these extra festivities mean some extra photos. Especially extra photos of toddler unwrapping mayhem and toddler all-dressed-up with other all-dressed-up toddlers mayhem. This is all I have from the last week or so.
Car snoozing after her first sleepover and a fun-filled morning and afternoon at Nanna and Granddad's (or Nanna and Dot Dot according to Frances). I haven't been able to get my camera fixed yet (though getting it fixed did get onto the do-in-the-new-year list) and only being able to shoot manually while dodging little fingers reaching for the lens is making me pretty camera lazy.
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