The many wonderful wardrobe possibilities ushered in by these cooler faller temperatures. Frances has a closet full of thick warm dresses just waiting to be paired up with equally warm thick tights. There are few things as satisfying as the thought of a wee one toasty down to her toes as the wind and rain tries to beat down our door.
Onto the woe.
That hair. That sweet mess of mostly, but not all or all the time, curly hair reaching out to all corners of the earth.
For the most part we've grown used to its sometimes comical and always untamable ways. We're used to the parts that stand straight up, the multiple overlapping cowlicks, and those little hair nests that appear after every single night's sleep. It's not until we get to the park or the grocery store that I think perhaps she is being mistaken for a street baby.
But what to do? She hates barrettes. If I knew then what I know now there'd have been a big glittery bow in her hair the very moment the doctor said it's a girl. Maybe then she'd not still be ripping them out as if they were cleverly disguised tracking devices planted on her by a foreign intelligence service.
I've tried parting it to each side. To the back and to the front. All to no avail. Last week I came across this. A seasoned mama of curly haired babes with much wisdom to impart: Look, people, I know you’re just trying to be nice, but “IS HER HAIR NATURALLY CURLY?” She’s three. Do I look like a pageant mom? I’m pretty sure painting a badger’s toenails would be easier that curling a toddler’s hair. The good news is that us moms with curly haired progeny can bond together over products, techniques and styles that most moms never have to worry about. Having a child with curly hair could easily be considered a lifestyle.
I like her already. She has much to say on the care of curly baby hair because there is much to know and do. For instance, curly hair shouldn't be shampooed everyday. It should be shampooed as infrequently as is manageable since curly hair gets dried out easily. It should, however, be conditioned with every bath or shower. It should be blotted not rubbed dry. Curly hair should be trimmed often and at a professional salon. There is an art to properly cutting curly hair (sheepishly tucking the kitchen scissors back into the kitchen drawer now). Finally, it should never (never ever) be brushed. Fingers and wide toothed combs only.
This is a basket into which I am eagerly tossing many of my eggs.
She looks like a model baby in an awkward pose. ;)