Friday, September 2, 2011

Long Live Melmo

Over the last few weeks Frankie's word world has been on the up and up. Her first five words (mamma, dadda, uh oh, wow and woof) lasted her quite a while. But now? Now she's got a story to tell. A story about bubbles, hippos and nannas.

Her word world at fifteen months: 

Bawl (ball)
Bubboe (bubble) 
Baybay (baby)
Beep beep 
Gog (dog) 
Guck (duck) 
Apple and Hippo (although she doesn't really understand what either means)
Up (used for both getting picked up and put down)

And last but most definitely not least Melmo (Elmo). Her disposable diapers have Elmo on them and she loves pulling up her dress or down her pants and pointing to Melmo. Oh yes, time to switch brands. 

Her three favourite things in the universe are now balls, bubbles and Elmos. She was kind of indifferent to them until she learned to beamingly point to each and say its name. Now its bawls, bubboes and melmo all day long. With the exception of Melmo I've been really good about repeating the correct pronunciation of words back to her. But Melmo? I die of an instant cuteness attack. Long live Melmo!

She left this headband on for five minutes.
It was crazy adorable for the whole five minutes. 

Bare foot home depot baby. She is going to hate winter clothing.

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