It's been a long time since I've gone running. Quite possibly the longest running break since I started running. There was the oh-my-poor-body recovery time after Frances was born. And then six or so weeks of vacation in Ontario. Then (still) a tiny baby who could get very hungry very fast and unpredictably. As the only food source I didn't want to wander too far from home.
As soon as she began to settle into a predictable sleeping and eating pattern I was out the door. I ran once and my knees hurt a bit. I ran again and they hurt more. I was not going to give in. But the more I ran the more they hurt until I could barely get up and down the stairs. I bought new shoes but they only helped a tiny bit. I was frustrated and angry and sad and I gave in and gave up. I read online that joint pain could be a prolonged post-pregnancy effect as hormone levels return to normal. A glimmer of hope even though there was still a lot pouting and I assumed the worst, that I'd never run again.
I've been out running three times in the last week. My knees and I have never felt better. Here's to spring weather, park paths, boardwalks, sunsets over the harbour, strong knees and still getting a nice new pair of shoes out of a temporarily trying situation.
In less everything-turns-out-okay news, the boisdale glebe house was burnt down over the weekend. The glebe house had been abandoned years before but the church on the same property was still in use. I feel so lucky to have seen the inside of this amazing and beautiful old building last spring. I remember driving away from there thinking that it should have been made into a museum and not be left to fall apart room by room. I tried to find the rest of the photos I took the day we were there but I think they died with my last computer. And now the glebe house is gone. And the police probably won't catch who did it because around here it seems like they never do. Which is probably why it feels like there are more deliberately set fires on this island than anywhere else in the world. Stupid arsonists.
Dude I have to show you the back of my knees. I have two huge bruises from ruptured cysts (Baker's Knee). It is from overuse (running, serving & teaching). It totally sucks because everything I have read says I should stop running! My legs were like two balloon sausages for three days:( So taking it for easy for a bit. But seriously I don't think I can give up running. That would be like quiting breathing for me!
ReplyDeleteOh my duder! Poor sausage balloon knees. That sounds awful. I guess this means more walks with Miley-mo instead. Lucky miley-mo and poor duder.