Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lucky Numbers Draw

I think we won the doctor lottery. That was exactly what it felt like - a lottery. When I found out I was pregnant I didn't have a doctor. I'd been here for a year and a half and hadn't needed one. Cape Breton is much like the rest of the country - more sick people than healers - so I had never bothered looking. After the double pink lines I picked up the phone book and started with the walk-in clinics. Surely if there was a doctor accepting patients they'd know about it. Zero help and kinda grumpy. I moved on to physicians and perfected my ask as I made my way through the a, b, and c listings. Eventually, a receptionist at a podiatrist clinic directed me to the North Sydney Hospital where I got an appointment. 

After waiting two weeks to see someone, the someone I saw said they couldn't accept me as a patient because I was pregnant (although I was still trying to convince someone - anyone - to confirm this) and they didn't do pregnancy and birth. They'd call around and have someone call me. I resigned myself to getting an appointment sometime before my due date with a grumbly old man who still thought using ether in deliveries was cutting edge. 

But our now doctor's office called a few days later and I knew right from the start that she was perfect for us. She wanted to know what we wanted and took the time to explain how the next nine or so months of check-ups, blood tests and ultrasounds would go. I looked forward to all of my check-ups, she supported all of our choices, and was such a calming and reassuring presence during Frankie's birth. Then after Frances was born, rather than tossing us back in the medical orphanage, she offered to take us on as permanent patients.   

We visited our doctor last Thursday and I was reminded again how lucky we are. Despite a waiting room full of people we always feel as if we're the only ones she has to see all day. She patiently addresses our grocery list of questions and always recommends an appointment in a month's time to check back in on Frankie's growth and development. And so today we are grateful for kind and exceptional doctors - also known as our big lottery win. 

Ten Month Stats: 
Weight - 16 lbs 3 ounces 
Height - 28.5 inches
Head - 18 inches 

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