Friday, February 25, 2011

Eighty Breakfasts

This morning for the first time Frances and I had the same thing for breakfast - spelt oatmeal, bananas, berries, cinnamon and flax seeds. Hers was less visually appealing than mine - the consequence of a nasty run-in with a food processor - but she loved it (a double victory since yesterday everything that went in came back out via some very devilish little raspberry blowing). 

I am so excited for this next food stage - where she can eat cut up or mashed up versions of what we're eating. I'm particularly excited for breakfast-sharing since this is the all-time best meal of the day (unbiased, of course, by the fact that three of my favourite foods are eggs, oatmeal and male syrup). 

It means I'll get to try some new morning foods and recipes (peppered with the go-to oatmeal we had today) as she tests out her taste buds and discovers what she likes and what she'd rather feed to her (fur) brothers.

I think I'm going to start with steel cut oats. I've been intrigued by them for a while and like the fact that I can cook them on Sunday (they take 30-40 minutes) and then heat them up with a little extra milk (and cinnamon and bananas) throughout the week.   

Steel cut oats are unrefined whole grain groats that have been dried and cut into two to three pieces by steel, rather than being rolled. They are rich in B-vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber and look like tiny grains of rice or chopped up nuts. When I was looking for recipes I came across a yummy one on a site called 80 Breakfasts:

True to its title there's more ...

Bacon Pancakes. Enough Said.

And perhaps the holy grail of breakfast foods:

Oh my!


  1. okay the nutella crosoint french toast is going a little too far for breakfast. The steel cut outs are great though.

  2. You must be so excited! Think of all the wonderful things that await her!


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