Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cat Soup

This is Frank in the morning. After sleeping nine hours in a row without waking up. Apparently its her new thing.

At the height of our exasperation a few weeks ago, we decided to move her into her own room in her own bed as part of a new get-some-order-back-into-our-lives strategy. I was nervous and uncertain of whether I had it in me to let her cry for five minutes and then ten and so on until she learned how to fall back to sleep. The first night she was sleeping by 10:30pm and at 4:30am I couldn't take it any more and burst into her room waking her up instantly. There was much crying and only a few brief periods of sleep before we all gave up and got up at 5:30. 

The next night I didn't go in. I let her sleep and she slept for nine hours. Convinced it was a fluke, I had no more expectations on the second night than I did on the first. But she did it again and again and here we are almost three weeks later all getting our sleep like normal humans.

There was a passing reference in one of the sleep books to light sleeping babies: babies that didn't settle in for a good night's sleep until they were out out mum and dad's bed and room. At the time, with us being up so often and this sounding a little too easy, I figured its success was about as likely as the cat making dinner. I guess I should go see if Herr Flick has found the measuring cups.


  1. I heard that mythical cat soup is really yummy... If you are willing to try it!

  2. I am so glad Frances is finally sleeping all through the night. I knew she would eventually.


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