Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Apology Accepted

Today we took the next step in not letting Frank's lack of regular naps consume our days. Last week was our last class at the library. Just down the street from the library is a resource centre that hosts similar classes  twice a week. Initially, we hadn't thought about going because they started at ten and with Frank's erratic sleep we weren't even moderately rested until eleven. For the last week or so though we've been bright-eyed by eight. 

Instead of worrying about how long we'd be gone and what if she wanted to nap and would this set her up for a whole day of failed naps and what if this meant an up every hour nighttime baby, we headed out the door. It was a beautiful morning here! We walked up and enjoyed the sunshine and a steaming cup of chocolate raspberry coffee (me not Frank - she enjoyed licking her mittens). And just as she loved her babies and books at the library she adored this group. Up early and no nap annnnnd her first tooth peeping through the bottom gums and she was sublime. I think this is her way of apologizing for the up-until-now-nighttime-sleep-hell.

We'll be back next week and next and next. Until the snow falls and hoping that getting out while we can will make staying in when we have to a little less awful. 

Yep  - I totally just glossed over her getting her first tooth ... SHE GOT HER FIRST TOOTH. Or her first nub. It felt so monumental this morning when she bit down on my finger with it. We've been waiting and checking for so long (given all her chewing and drooling) and now its here. I'm sure when she's fussy and sad and unable to sleep - again - I won't be so excited but for now SHE GOT HER FIRST NUB!


  1. Erica! I used to teach that class at the Resource Centre! Is it called Baby Talk? all the little ones loved it (but not so much my singing voice) enjoy !
    and Congrats Frankie on your first tooth !! wahoo

  2. Beth! That is totally the one - Baby Talk! I bet the babes loooved you. Frances is pretty into all the singing (in another month or so it'll likely make her whole week) but for now its the other babies that get her doing her excited shuffle. Too cute!


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