Thursday, October 14, 2010

Granola Bars ... er ... Blobs

Its possible I may never learn how to bake. No matter how many times I pull a sweet hot mess out of the oven I still manage to think that recipes are just suggestions. Like you could use one cup of milk since that's what the recipe calls for or if you think there's about a cup and a half left in the jug you could just pour it all in. There are rules after all about putting a mouthful of milk back in the fridge. 

Last week I found a really yummy recipe for granola bars. We eat lots of granola bars and the good ones are kind of pricey and still probably packed with preservatives. So Frank and I made a trip to the bulk store and I stocked up. Oats, nuts, seeds, raisins and sour dinos (dinos for me not the bars). I decided the recipe sounded so good I'd start with a double batch. 

We mixed up the dry ingredients and then the wet. After I poured the wet on the dry I thought there's no way that's going to be enough. So I mixed up another batch of the wet and added that. It still didn't seem like nearly enough so one more batch and into the oven. Did I mention that the wet ingredients consisted of boiled honey and corn syrup? Sweet hot mess indeed. I made three pans and it took me more than an hour to slowly chip the final product out of the first two. The third is still on the counter and I'm thinking of just hiding it somewhere, like probably the shed.

If you ever send me a baked goods recipe maybe you could include the following in the fine print: Do not improvise. Not even a little. I know you think it will be fine - maybe even better - but it won't. Seriously, it won't. Remember the granola bars? 


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