Happy one-quarter-year itty bitty rock star!
These last few months have passed by so fast and yet we can barely remember life without you.
You are so curious about the world around you. In fact, it is this insatiable wonder that likely keeps you from sleeping all that often. There is so much to explore and you aren't going to miss any of it. You love to watch us and have started to notice the comings and goings of your fur brothers. You are reaching out and exploring your home with your hands and just last night figured out how to suck your thumb. Already you enjoy standing up and testing out your strong baby legs and you are beginning to share your very own little laugh with us.
For me it is still the mornings - when you wake up full of smiles and squeals - that are my favourite part of the day. I could sit and drink in those big beaming eyes for hours. I think this - your moments of post-sleep happiness - should be a passable excuse for lateness and absences ... oh hi dentist I know that I am late but that little baby was so smiley I couldn't very well just walk out the door.
So much love,
Your Mom
Mornings are still my favourite time as well. Both my kids usually get the giggles and waking up hearing them make each other laugh is one of the most precious and wonderful ways to wake up even when I've only gotten a couple of hours sleep. I'm so glad that you are enjoying motherhood. Hang on to every moment because they grow up so fast!