We are back. Home. Unpacked and settled in. These last three weeks have been amazing. Fast and busy, but so lovely and so needed. The wedding was beautiful. I don't think it could have gone any better. The venue and the ceremony and the meal and the reception all seemed to encapsulate Josh and Jill so well. What more could you ask of a wedding (after all the work that goes into planning it) than that it perfectly reflect who you are.

First Dance (Photo: Vanessa Marshall)

Mrs and Mr. (Photo: Vanessa Marshall)
Handsome Fellas (Photo: Olivia Myette)
The trip home took a little longer than usual. Frances did her absolute best but who likes to sit in one place for the better part of two days? Not me and not her. She slept on and off during the day and then got into a pattern of wanting to eat for five minutes every forty-five minutes. It was starting to look like we might not get home until September. Then darkness. A signal to Frances to close her eyes and drift to dreamland. She slept from midnight until eight in the morning and with only one stop for gas we made up much lost time and pulled into our drive just after the sun came up.
I had been trying not to think about how much there was to do here at home once we returned. Now though I'm kind of happy to have mopping and sorting and gardening (and baby) as temporary distractions from missing everyone who filled these last three weeks with much love and laughter.
The fur brothers did well on their semi-own. We had someone looking after their food and litter needs but I always feel a little awkward asking our stand-in to make sure that they get lots of love too. I was half expecting to come home to an open freezer with partially eaten meats all over the floor (since they have figured out how to help themselves to freezer meats) - certain retaliation for their abandonment. Other than a little fur here and there though the house is intact. They don't seem to be letting us very far out of sight today though - a sure sign that we were indeed missed!
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