Last Wednesday was a night we had been looking forward to for some time - the Cape Breton Regional Hospital hospital tour! The last piece of the preparation pie meant to assure us that everything was going to be just fine. When we registered for the tour (like six months ago) the Public Health receptionist told us that it was two hours - from 6pm to 8pm. We arrived at 6pm (okay we were a bit late but that's besides the point) ready for our leisurely hospital hall meander and discussion.
By 6:22pm we were on our way out the door. The tour went something like this: "To your right is the delivery room, that is the table of medical instruments and that is the heater for cold babies. To your left is the room you will go to after you deliver. You will stay there for 48 hours. Up ahead is the nurses station. This is where the nurses are. Don't come in until your contractions are five minutes apart or your water breaks. Any questions?" At least it left us with plenty of time to make to make it to the Dairy Queen Drive Thru.

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