Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Do You Say Moo In Italian?

R and I were talking (dreaming) on the weekend of spending a year in Italy with you after you arrive. Maybe a year or two after to give us some time to get the basics (your sleeping and eating) down. It's something we'd love to do. Sure vacations are cool but imagine getting to live somewhere new and imagine the food! We've yet to figure out what we'll do to pay for said food - maybe farm. You haven't met any animals yet but I am sure you will love them. Or maybe teach which would mean living in a really rural (and likely southern but definitely beautiful) part of the county. You keep growing and we'll keep planning.

In other weekend news - this was a super productive one. The first one in which the contents of our upstairs were not puked all over the living room. I think this return of things to their proper floors was a catalyst to getting all those other things done that I had been putting off. For the month of January, it was like "everything is so chaotic why shouldn't I just lie on the bed (in the living room) and watch marathon HGTV? I can't find any clean socks anyways so there's no point thinking about leaving the house".

With clean socks and an eager mind I painted the nursery!

I've learned since learning of you that its best if I now approach things in increments. Whereas in the past I would have cleaned the room, painted the ceilings, taped the ceiling lines and then painted the walls in a single afternoon (thank you quick-drying paint) each of these elements now needs its own day (and each also needs to be preceded or followed by a nap). So Thursday finished cleaning, Friday painted the ceilings and trim, Saturday taped and then painted the walls (first coat) and Sunday second coat on the walls. It's Tuesday now and the tape still needs to come off but otherwise it looks great. So fresh! With new floors, a bright white ceiling and a gardeny green all around its like a whole new room.

I was thinking while painting that my anxiety about the nursery is a bit like my anxiety about being your mom (which I try to push out of my thoughts as much as possible - not being your mom just the anxiety). With both I felt/feel like I have no idea what I am doing - for example - how do you design a nursery and how do I teach you to love all living things and not to eat what you find on the ground? The good news after the weekend is that once I jumped into nursery design I emerged in tact on the other side with a not-so-bad-looking baby abode. Here's hoping that being your mom is a little like that (but maybe with just a tiny bit less green under my fingernails).

1 comment:

  1. That was such a pretty entry Erika! Congrats on Frankie Moon - Jodi


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