Blerg. I think I am busy, I think, this is it. I have no more minutes and no more room on my desk. And then things get busier. And busier. Maybe it just feels like so much or too much right this minute because all I want to do after the middle of November is eat clementines, listen to Nat King Cole and make Christmas tree ornaments. I love this time of year a ridiculously lot.
In that spirit we're trying to declare December a no-doing-anything month. No extra work. No extra volunteering. No extra anything that we don't want to do. Lots of walks. Lots of hot chocolate. Lots of baby snuggles. Lots of music with jingle bells. And hopefully lots of cookies and sleigh rides. We're trying. We'll see.
I feel like its been so long since I've put more than just a few photos up here. I feel like there is a lot I'm forgetting, but here's what I can remember:
The little bear has started sleeping late. Like 6:30 to 7:30am late. This is heaven I tell you. The time change a few weeks ago brought with it a new level of sleep deprivation desperation and I decided to try to cut out nursing in the morning. The nursing that I'd been using for months and months to get the bear to fall back to sleep for at least another half an hour, because 4:45am? Really? It took two days. That was it. Two days and now instead of sleeping eight hours she is sleeping ten. Once she even slept eleven. Hindsight, hindsight, hindsight.
We had our first mini-snowfall yesterday. It was beautiful. The first few snowfalls are the best with their great big bouncy snowflakes. The perfect kind of snowflakes for little hands to reach for and admire when really seeing snow for the very first time.
Have you been listening to the news lately? Did you have a quick glance at the calendar yesterday to make sure it wasn't the first of April? I did. Hearing that the US Congress declared pizza a school-cafeteria-vegetable in response to pressure from the frozen food industry made me want to leave the planet. See you later ridiculous backwards planet I'm off to find someplace where common sense still has some pull. Gah.
Lastly, we brought out the paints a few days ago. It was amazing. There was painting on paper:
Painting on hands:
Painting on bellies:
And of course, painting on toes: